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Continuing education directory

Continuing education directory

- There is a massive field known as continuing education, or professional development or continual professional development. The term is used a couple different ways. The first one is generic. There are continuing education courses that most colleges and universities, for anyone who just wants to learn without pursuing a degree. The other one, what we'll look at today, is focused on professional development. You may know about this from other LinkIn courses. Lots or professions have gatekeeper bodies where you have to be licensed and pay dues to retain your membership. And you're often required to complete some degree of ongoing annual continuing ect. You usually have to do this every single year. This brings us to Janelle Sultan in Sydney, Australia, who had spend 15 years of her life as the director of a marketing agency. Each day felt the same. Clients, tedious meetings and a lot of stress. Something had to change.…
