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Edit romance novels

Edit romance novels

- Let's talk about becoming a freelance book editor, specifically in the romance genre. And by the way, most of these lessons can be applied elsewhere as well. The person featured in this story stumbled upon her project when she made an interesting discovery. This voracious reader who worked as a corporate recruiter never considered that books could be a career for anyone other than authors. She then pursued a steamy side hustle editing romance novels. First, did you know that romance novel sales total more than a billion dollars a year? They sell as much as sci-fi, mystery, and fantasy combined. I'm obviously in the wrong genre. I'm going to stop writing business and go into romance for my next book. So, stay tuned. But hey, enough about me. More than 70 million people in the USA alone read at least one romance novel per year. Some of them, in fact, read 100 romances or more. Jessica Snyder was one of those active…
