From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

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Headlights and taillights

Headlights and taillights

Here's a tip. Some of the most profitable items you can buy and resell are things no one else is considering. Let's start with a case study in reselling. Where an automotive painter with 30 years under his work belt finds more than scrap in waste bins at work. He then fixes himself up with a new side hustle. That brings in six figures by his third year. This automotive painter is Don Schaffer of Tigard, Oregon. He's been selling for a while. Growing up he was the go to parts guy on the playground. Where he specialized in skateboards and bicycles. Years later at the autobody shop he worked at. He routinely saw parts being chucked into the bins due to normal wear and tear. And the most common of those rejects where headlights and taillights. You see your average body shop will fix a dent or a scratch on a car. When it comes to something as minor as a headlight getting cracked or retaining fluid. It's just easier for them to…
