From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

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Networking brunch

Networking brunch

- Let's talk about brunch. Now personally, I always have a hard time deciding between savory and sweet. That's why my favorite to do before a proper brunch is to run at least five miles. Then I feel like I can have both. I know, you probably find that fascinating, but more importantly, let's talk about brunch and making money. I'm going to tell you about a Wall Street broker who serves up startup success with a side of eggs. She started something called brunchwork, combining two good things. This business goes from side hustle to mid-five figure revenue each month with a team of 25. Brunch is serious business. So how did this come about? As many of us are discovering, despite the ease of connecting through our various gadgets, these same gadgets can have a tendency to create isolation. This was something that Paulina Karpis, a young millennial from New York City, was acutely aware of. Well she had a stable career as…
