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Public domain ebooks

Public domain ebooks

- It's said that a book is worth reading if it gives you even just one idea that you can use. - [Narrator] This has certainly been true for Michigan based Aaron Kerr albeit not in the way you'd expect. As his wife was reading the popular Anne of Green Gable series to their daughters, she noticed that the Kindle version she was reading from had lots of errors, was poorly formatted. The family had been buying each book in the series so this was a major disappointment. Even though there was little regret since each one cost just $.99, it didn't make sense that the available copies of such a classic were of such low quality. Aaron knew he could do better and he also knew that it was perfectly legal for him to try. The copyright protections for classics such as Anne of Green Gables typically expire after a certain number of years. This means that such books are in the public domain and can be used in any manner. So Aaron got to…
