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Rehearsal app for actors

Rehearsal app for actors

- How can you build an app if you're not a programmer? Obviously, that deficiency in skill could be a disadvantage, but when it comes to spotting opportunity, it might actually work in your favor, just like you'll hear in this example. David Lawrence wanted to be an actor ever since his days in high school theater. Although he scored the lead roles, he didn't feel confident about turning acting into a career, at least not at first and not directly. So instead, he went into radio, talk shows specifically. He worked his way around the country and eventually ended up in Washington, D.C. before returning to Los Angeles. Back in LA, he could work on building his acting skills, as well as doing voiceover work. After booking a consistent role on NBC's "Heroes," his success led him to be contacted by another NBC show. They wanted him to audition! David was thrilled, but he only had a couple of hours to prepare. Normally, he…
