From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

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Rent camera gear

Rent camera gear

- You'll notice that I don't feature a lot of stories about crowd sharing or the gig economy, that's for a couple reasons. First, there's not always a lot to say about them. Second, they're not usually a great business model if you're trying to really create an asset for yourself or make real money. However, these platforms and networks can be great to experiment with and once in awhile, somebody comes along who finds a competitive advantage, a way to do really well with it. The model I'm going to share with you here is just really simple in how it works. If you have tech equipment or sports gear or tools of some kind that you're not using all the time, you can post them on an online platform and other people can rent them from you. Now this story is about a site specifically called Fat Llama. There's also Craigslist, Gumtree and others. The best one for your area may be different. In this example, a London…
