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Sign language videos

Sign language videos

- Whatever your skills are, there's a traditional path to using them in a career and at least one nontraditional path. So if you have a degree or special training of some kind and you're trying to figure out how to do this side hustle thing for the first time, one of the best starting points is to look at that education or training you had. How is that skill valuable and useful? Who might benefit from what you know how to do? Let's look at a special education teacher named Shelby Rideout. After making puppet sign language videos for her toddlers, she stumbles upon an underserved market. She then goes on to turn her homemade videos into more commercial ones, selling them on Amazon and elsewhere, marketing through celebrity parents, and bringing in up to $15,000 a month. When Shelby first graduated from college with a degree in elementary and special education, she didn't go into teaching. She went into acting. She…
