From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

The power of a second income

- Welcome to something new and different and exciting! There is no other course like this in the LinkedIn Learning Library. I wanted to make it to show you all kinds of unconventional and unexpected ways that people are making money and creating freedom for themselves. If we haven't met before, my name is Chris Guillebeau. I've been self-employed my entire adult life and everyday since January 1, 2017, I've been producing a podcast called Side Hustle School. It tells the stories of regular people with real jobs who start an income generating project. In this course, we'll examine and deconstruct 32 of our most popular stories, showing you how the person got the idea, how they overcame challenges along the way, and what happened in the end. Among others, you'll hear about a Denver woman who earns more than a $100,000 a year by taking visitors to restaurants. Why are her tours so special and what can you learn from her success? An actor and radio host who creates an app to help other actors rehearse their lines. He's not even a coder but he figures it out and the app goes on to earn more than half a million dollars. And, two nurses who start a YouTube channel reviewing toys. Within a year, it's earning more than $15,000 dollars a month. What do all these stories have in common? The answer is they're all started by busy people with jobs by using a skill they already have and without spending a lot of money. This is the model that I've been teaching for years, all over the world. It's different from the startup industry 'cause it's about individuals, not companies. We're not talking about small money either. Every one of these stories is profitable, most of them making thousands of dollars a month or even earning six or seven figures a year. My hope is that as you hear the stories, you'll be inspired. They'll get you thinking about possibilities of your own. Maybe you'll hear a story and think, I could do that. Or perhaps not exactly that thing but something similar. I really believe there's a money making project waiting for you, even if you've never thought of yourself as an entrepreneur. So, pay attention. This is going to be fun and fast paced.
