From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

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What about the failures?

What about the failures?

- So when I teach using stories, like the ones you heard in this course, one of the most common questions I get is okay, that's great, but what about the failures? And by nature, all of these are success stories. Now, here's the thing, most people aren't going to be interested in a course called 32 Bad Ideas or a Collection of Things You Shouldn't Do. That said, in most of the stories, there are usually mistakes and missteps the person made along to the path to their eventual success. Often there was a false start, they thought a particular idea or approach was the right one, but it turned out not to be. Sometimes pursuing an initial idea, or two, or more, led them to their ultimate best idea. Other times they just needed to tweak as they went along. As I may have said elsewhere, most overnight successes are a long time in the making. So keep these things in mind. First, it's no so much whether you'll encounter roadblocks…
