From the course: Designing the Learner's Journey

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Fear and stress as a learning roadblock

Fear and stress as a learning roadblock

From the course: Designing the Learner's Journey

Fear and stress as a learning roadblock

- I'd like to share a short, personal story with you. And that's when I went to college I was planning to be a dual major of math and music, my two favorite things. I had done very well in the small school, small Iowa school, and gotten straight As in those areas. And I thought I'd do very well in college. So the college looked at my transcript and decided to place me in advanced calculus. Now our little school never taught calculus. I had no background in it. And as I sat in the first day of class the professor was writing things on the board that I couldn't decipher, saying things I couldn't understand. And then he turned to students in the class pointed to people and asked specific questions and the students responded! They knew what he was talking about. And (laughs) I had no idea! I was really petrified and all I could think of was am I going to be just terribly embarrassed and humiliated? Is he going to…
