From the course: Discussing Racism with Dr. Christina Greer

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Racism doesn't apply to me

Racism doesn't apply to me

- So some of you might be wondering, why am I taking this course? And how does racism apply to me? And the answer is, racism and the history of racism have real world implications for today. And so as we think about who's burdened and who benefits from not just the historical practices of racism, but the every day current practices of racism it's still important for us to discuss in our individual groups, in our communities and obviously in the workplace. So, for example, let's just take something as simple as the name of someone. What someone is named can affect their life chances in dramatic ways, your first name and or last name can affect your ability to get a mortgage. It can affect your ability to get a loan from a bank, it can even affect your ability to get hired from a corporation. When they look at your name versus someone else's name that may be more common or more Americanized. Racism affects everyone…
