From the course: Discussing Racism with Dr. Christina Greer

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The impact of racism in the workplace

The impact of racism in the workplace

- There are different ways that we see racism play out in the workplace. And here are two examples, one is when leadership says that they can't hire any particular marginalized groups, and the other is through microaggressions. The first is with hiring, oftentimes we try and diversify the workplace when it hasn't happened, people in leadership positions oftentimes say things such as, "well, we've looked, but we couldn't find anyone at all." Or, "we would like to hire people from marginalized groups it's just, we want to maintain quality and standards." As if assuming that people from marginalized groups would be less than qualified for the job, but there's also making an assumption that people who are already in those positions are overly qualified for those jobs. So that's one. And then the second piece is, when people from marginalized groups are actually hired, oftentimes they walk into an environment that's…
