From the course: Discussing Racism with Dr. Christina Greer

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The impact of racism on communities

The impact of racism on communities

- Racism affects communities in a myriad of ways. The first is immigrant communities. Many times they do not have the choice to live where they actually want to live. They're segregated in particular parts of a city or parts of a town purely because of their immigrant status and how they're able to rent or possibly even purchase homes based on their immigrant status. Secondly, we know that poorer communities are hyper-policed and there's an assumption of criminality that leads to negative relationships with police departments and adverse relationships when it comes to interacting with the police. And then lastly, we see that wealthy communities aren't shielded from racism either. So when you look at black Americans who live in wealthy communities, they oftentimes experience great examples of racism. And so in political science, we have a term called linked fate. And many social scientists initially couldn't understand why…
