From the course: Freelancing Foundations

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Managing your time

Managing your time

- When I first starting freelancing, I remember thinking that I had more time than I knew what to do with, but that changed pretty quickly when I started taking on projects, and when those projects dried up, I realized that not being busy meant that I was losing money. It's up to you to keep your plate full with client work, but you can't spend all of your time just doing the work. You need to allocate time to finding new work, too. Add on top of that the need to manage your finances, send invoices, and protect some time to have a life outside of work. You can probably see why time management is critical as a freelancer. Managing your time comes down to one word, priorities, and not only do you need to manage how your prioritize your time, but you also have to keep track of when you're spending time on those priorities. One of the best things I've done for my business was put in place a rock-solid system for managing my…
