From the course: Leading in Government

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Creating a communication plan for public leadership

Creating a communication plan for public leadership

From the course: Leading in Government

Creating a communication plan for public leadership

- Your city is going to host a weekend concert series. It's a major event with several big-name bands and thousands of visitors will be comin' to town. How are you going to communicate with enough detail to tell your citizens about this event and how it will affect them. Only by deliberately planning what, who, why, when, and how you're going to communicate, can you ensure the message is clear, specific, and has measurable results. The first thing when planning communications is to know what you want to say. What is the content of your message? Then decide on your target audience. Who will you be sharing the message with? Of course, in government, you'll also always have a broader audience, including a variety of internal and external groups. And each audience has a different interest in the service you're providing. So be sure to keep them in mind when crafting your message. When you know who your specific audience is, you need to know what you're communicating to them and why they…
