From the course: Leading in Government

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Decision-making for public leaders

Decision-making for public leaders

From the course: Leading in Government

Decision-making for public leaders

- Imagine you've been told to cut your department's budget by 10%. That's a big deal! That's huge! Where and how do you even start on a project like that? Let me share a process that will help you put things in perspective and make effective decisions. First, break it down so you can see the situation from every angle, and when appropriate, get input. What are the distinct areas? Look at the situation from the perspectives of others. A 10% budget cut will affect everyone on your team, so discussing every part of the budget with your team will be important. Ask them about priorities for the coming year and about those areas where there is a surplus. Next, generate options based on the analysis of the situation. This is the fun part. Get creative. Do some brainstorming. Dig in and do some research. Gather your team together and talk about the things that are critical to provide service to the public. What can be cut with minimal or the least amount of negative impact? How can you…
