From the course: Leading in Government

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Translating work objectives into plans in government

Translating work objectives into plans in government

From the course: Leading in Government

Translating work objectives into plans in government

- A government leader has just been given a budget and the organization's vision. So the next thing they need to do is lead, right? Wrong. As a government leader, you need to take time to prioritize where you will put your resources to deliver the best product and service you can for the public you serve. To prioritize your work, create a strategy that translates work objectives into plans to provide your product or service for your customer while staying in line with your organization's goals. Start with your goals. Break them into specific work actions, then break down specific work actions into tasks or projects. With each task or project, create objectives that are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. What's the concrete action or behavior? How will you know it's done? Can the work be done? Should the work be done, and why? And what are the start and completion dates? For example, an organizational goal is to provide administration of elections…
