From the course: Lean Six Sigma for a Sustainable Future

Lean Six Sigma together

- Lean Six Sigma is really two methodologies that go hand in hand. Coupling lean and Six Sigma will reduce waste and reduce defects or unsatisfied customers. Lean has methodologies around waste removal, organization and being more productive. Lean includes problem solving, standardized work, error proofing, value stream mapping and visual management techniques. Six Sigma is structured around eliminating defects and variation by using statistics. Six Sigma uses analytical statistics to prove data is incorporated properly to tell a story that actually makes sense. Six Sigma will also then start picking strategic projects and allocating resources towards them. In order for Six Sigma to be incorporated properly, the beginning stages of lean must be brought in. If you are unfamiliar with Six Sigma, I highly recommend that you watch my course, Six Sigma: White Belt. Both lean and Six Sigma revolve around increasing profitability, adding value and having a competitive advantage. Both methodologies also must have top management buy-in and participation in order to be successful. In this course, we're going to pursue sustainable results by a combination of lean's productivity improvements and the quality benefits of Six Sigma.
