From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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A checklist before your record a screencast

A checklist before your record a screencast

From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

A checklist before your record a screencast

- You've got your gear set up, you've got a plan, it's time to record. I encourage you though, to slow down for just a moment and run yourself through a basic checklist. Nothing's more frustrating than getting ready to record and putting in all the prep time and then making an incorrect assumption. It's so easy, every time you stand up, go away from the computer, or switch applications for something to inadvertently switch on your machine. So here's a couple of things to check before you start to record your screencast. First up, make sure your content is organized and copied to your local machine. If you've got any demonstration files, have them loaded and tested. Then do a distraction check. If you're going to be recording on camera is your clothing proper? Do you have your shirt folded over? Do you have food on your face from lunch that you need to wipe off? Do you have anything on the desk like your smartphone…
