From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Adding lights for screencasting

Adding lights for screencasting

- You might notice that things look a little dark, and that's a pretty realistic problem. It's not uncommon for your shooting environment to be low light. Maybe it's your cubicle, or maybe you're shooting in a basement, or maybe you just don't have great consistent light. Well there's a lot of things you could do. At the simplest level, even just pulling over a desk lamp could be useful. And while on this camera angle it's a little bit crowded and cluttered, if I turn this on, and I look back towards my computer, you'll see that it's filled in my face nicely. It's added some light on the side of the face, and really just warms up the shot, giving me a little bit more dramatic lighting. As opposed to if it was turned off, you'll see that it's really flat and boring. So having a little bit of extra light can be helpful, even if it's just something like a desk lamp. But desk lamps are not the end all be all, it's just a…
