From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Cleaning up the Windows taskbar for screencasts

Cleaning up the Windows taskbar for screencasts

From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

Cleaning up the Windows taskbar for screencasts

- Along the bottom of the screen is the windows task bar. This is essentially the command center, so you can control apps that are launched, as well as get access to useful shortcuts. However, it can be a bit distracting when you're recording. Particularly if options like the clock are visible. This is because as you record, you may find that it takes a few mistakes, and your five minute tutorial actually took 10 minutes to record. Well, if the clock is changing over time, that can be really distracting. So let's go ahead and fix this, so the clock is hidden and other options are not visible, unless they're really needed. You'll find the task bar at the bottom of the screen. Chances are it's going to be permanently visible. I suggest you right click and choose taskbar settings. This gives us more control. Be sure to choose the option to automatically hide the task bar. This will minimize it across the bottom. You also…
