From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Video editing goals for screencasts

Video editing goals for screencasts

- Now, if you want to, you can also call out keyboard shortcuts. Let's split the clip, like so. Let's go to the annotations category. Let's go ahead and drag that in, like so. And I'm going to add a call out here so we could see this. Now to make this a bit simpler, we're going to just adjust things so it times out a bit better. Now, I've added the keyboard shortcut in and changed its text. Let's make that just a little bit bolder so it's easier to see and bump up the size slightly. To see things a little bit better here, I can go into my timeline itself and just adjust to see all of these at once. What am I do is make sure that this is trimmed so it matches my split there. Let's have a look. Let's adjust the sharpening detail here. If I hold down the alt key, this is easier to judge. Now, I like that. I'm just going to carry it out a little longer and start a little later. We'll just drag that in. Taking…
