From the course: Salesforce: Sales Automation for Salespeople

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Einstein Email Insights

Einstein Email Insights

- [Narrator] Einstein activity capture is a productivity-boosting tool that helps keep data between Salesforce, and your email and calendar applications up to date. To keep data up to date, Einstein activity capture focuses on three types of data, emails, events, and contacts. We showed how to sync email and calendar information on a previous video, but let's look at what else activity capture can do. Once you set up activity capture, you can also enable email insights. Let's take a look at how to do that. I'm on the home screen now. And I'm going to navigate over to the gear icon and setup which is going to open set up in a new screen. And I'm going to scroll down under platform tools to Einstein, Einstein sales, and Einstein activity capture. And you'll see here the first one is Einstein email insights. You want to make sure that is toggled on to show insights. This is important, this is often turned off by default.…
