From the course: Salesforce: Sales Automation for Salespeople

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Reporting for sales cadence

Reporting for sales cadence

- [Narrator] Once you set up a sales cadence you want to measure what is working and where you can improve things. One of the main benefits of using a CRM tool like Salesforce is that you can analyze the data to make better decisions. So let's take a look at reporting and how we would track the effectiveness of a sales cadence. I'm going to navigate over to the reports tab. Now, if you're using a tool like high velocity sales you'll have built-in reports where you can just simply search in the search area. But in this case, we're going to create a custom report. So something that a lot of people don't know is that Salesforce Classic, which was the old interface has really extensive reporting capabilities. So I really like to look at reports in Salesforce Classic. So many people have started doing this that Salesforce has actually added this button into Salesforce because it is so effective. So I like this opportunity amount…
