From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Adding a freeze frame

Adding a freeze frame

- [Instructor] When editing a screencast, you'll likely find yourself needing to pause visuals on screen to catch up to dialog or to cover over some content on screen. Now you can do this by inserting a freeze frame. If you're following along, I'm in the freeze frame project. Now in the original take, I completed the actions on screen, but I tripped over my words and then when I rephrased the content, the rephrase took longer to deliver the line than the original footage. Now after making the edit, this gap was left here in the video track. Now to close this gap and keep the downstream audio and video all in sync together, we can insert a freeze frame by selecting the outgoing clip and jumping our playhead down to that location. Then go up to the edit menu and select add freeze frame or press command shift F. ScreenFlow then inserts a new clip that is two seconds long. And consists of a single still image that's a capture of the selected frame. You can trim this clip to fully close…
