From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Customizing your keyboard shortcuts

Customizing your keyboard shortcuts - Screenflow Tutorial

From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

Customizing your keyboard shortcuts

- [Instructor] To become efficient at editing video, it really helps to assign and use keyboard shortcuts for the most common features that you use every day. If you're coming to ScreenFlow from another video editing program, then your fingers likely already know a whole bunch of keyboard shortcuts for that application. In both cases, ScreenFlow has you covered. Go to the ScreenFlow menu and select Preferences or press Command + comma, then click on the Shortcuts tab, and nearly every single command that you can select via a menu, toolbar, or a contextual menu can have its own custom keyboard shortcut that you assign to it, and this is simply awesome. Click the drop-down menu for keyboard shortcut set and select Configure. Here you'll be able to see all of the shortcut sets installed on your account. Now, initially there will only be the default set, but if you click the plus button down in the lower left-hand corner and select Create set from default, then give your new set a name…
