From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Harnessing the power of styles

Harnessing the power of styles - Screenflow Tutorial

From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

Harnessing the power of styles

- [Narrator] Styles are all about improving the consistency of your content, and increasing your efficiency in reproducing the looks that you've worked so hard to create. Now, if you're following along, I'm in the Power of Styles project. If you're building a series of screen casts for your business, your classroom, or even a YouTube channel, then you'll really wanna have a consistent look and feel throughout all of your content. Dialing in that look over and over again on every single project is both tedious and it's prone to mistakes by simply missing some critical setting change. Therefore, when you develop a look that you really like, create a style that you can use to reproduce that look whenever possible. Now, for example, here's the chroma key that we pulled in an earlier movie. Now, if you have a green screen setup, then chances are pretty good that you're going to have lots of footage with that exact same lighting setup, sound setup, and all of the things that go into making…
