From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Top 10 ScreenFlow recording tips

Top 10 ScreenFlow recording tips - Screenflow Tutorial

From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

Top 10 ScreenFlow recording tips

- [Narrator] But before we wrap up this chapter on the ScreenFlow recorder, wanna give you my top 10 tips for achieving recording success with ScreenFlow. Number one, begin with the end in mind. Know what you wanna say, show, and do in your movie. Map out where you'll start your movie, where you wanna end up, and then outline how you intend to get there. Number two, scripts are extremely helpful. Now, a script for your movie can be as simple as the opening and closing lines of your movie with key bullet points that you wanna hit in between. Now, this type of script will help get you started, keep you on track, and then give you a way to wrap things up. Now, a full script is also helpful where you simply type out everything that you'll say in the movie. If you use this approach, be sure to read your script out loud to yourself, and ensure that your writing sounds like your natural speech patterns. Now, for complex projects involving teams of contributors, a formal script that details…
