From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Understanding the ScreenFlow user interface

Understanding the ScreenFlow user interface - Screenflow Tutorial

From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

Understanding the ScreenFlow user interface

- [Instructor] Now that you have ScreenFlow installed let's get oriented to the interface. Now ScreenFlow is comprised of two applications that work seamlessly together, the editor and the recorder. And when you first open ScreenFlow you're generally taken to this new project control window. You can also access it by pressing command n or by going up to the file menu and selecting new. The new project window has a welcome tab where you can see the major version number for the application that you're running, and you can get access to a what's new page, some additional help from ScreenFlow and access to some video tutorials that are created by Telestream. Next is the new recordings tab where you'll set what you want ScreenFlow to record. Now with ScreenFlow you can record your Mac's desktop, a connected iOS device running iOS 8 or newer. You can record video from a connected webcam or your built-in FaceTime camera. You can record audio from a connected USB microphone, and you can…
