From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Using groups and nested clips

Using groups and nested clips - Screenflow Tutorial

From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

Using groups and nested clips

- [Instructor] As you work through editing your projects, you'll find it helpful to lock the relative arrangement of clips together into groups or nests. Now if you're following along I'm in the groups project. Groups are used to temporarily lock the relative location of clips on a timeline to each other while nests are used to combine multiple clips together into a single virtual clip that has a connected timeline. Now if you wanna move a collection of clips on your timeline to another location, but you don't wanna lose all of these precise alignment edits that you've just made, then a temporary group is exactly the right tool for you. Begin by selecting all of the clips. I'll click on the first clip then hold down the command key as you click on each additional clip to add them to the selection. Then go up to the arrange menu and select group or press command g. Now you might have noticed a brief flashing of the selected clips otherwise nothing else appears to have changed. But if…
