From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Using the recording monitor

Using the recording monitor

- [Instructor] As you move beyond making basic screen recordings, you may find it helpful to monitor the recording process more closely. And there's a hidden tool inside of ScreenFlow that allows you to do just that. It's called the Recording Monitor. Go up to your Menu Bar widget and select Show Recording Monitor, or if you've been following along and you set the custom keyboard shortcut that we added back in Chapter One, you can just press Command-Shift-M. Now the Recording Monitor gives you additional information about your recordings while you're recording. This timer will start running when you press Record, so you always know how long a recording is lasting for. You have microphone-level indicators here so you can visually see at a glance that your audio is being captured and what your levels are. There's also a button down here at the bottom that you can use to add markers during a recording, but the real power of this window comes into play when you're recording additional…
