From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Using the stock media library

Using the stock media library - Screenflow Tutorial

From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

Using the stock media library

- [Instructor] ScreenFlow 8 has a new stock media library with over half a million stock media clips that you can use in your projects. Now, if you're following along, I'm in the stock media project where I wanna find something to drop into the background behind this green screen footage. Now, the best way to access the new stock media library in ScreenFlow 8 is to click on the media button here in the menu bar, then drag that panel out wider so you can get a better look at it. Now, you can either choose to view this library in either the icon or the list view, but I suggest sticking with the icon view. Now, you preview media here, the same as you would media in any of your other libraries, by simply hovering over a clip and then either dragging the small scrubber pen or by clicking the play button to open up the clip in a larger window. You can then close the preview by clicking on the X in the upper left. Now, when you preview one of these clips, you may notice a slight delay when…
