From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Workflow basics

Workflow basics

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're gonna look at ways to enhance your productivity by refining your workflows. Now to begin, let's talk about some of the workflows that you may want to use in producing your screencasts. Now the basic workflow is to record your screen and microphone with ScreenFlow. Then use the built-in editor to edit and refine your story. Then share your movie with the world using either the publish to or export options. Now, when you use this workflow, your computer screen and microphone appear as separate tracks, but that's because if you also record your computer's audio, then that audio track will be automatically combined with your screen recording. Likewise, if you record your webcam, then the audio from your mic and the video from your webcam become merged into a single clip. Now this makes a lot of sense because you really want the dialog to stay in sync with the visuals of the camera, and you want any sound effects coming out of the computer to stay in…
