From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Making swept cuts

Making swept cuts

- [Instructor] Swept cuts are similar to a regular sweep. However, with the swept cut feature, we actually have a few extra options which I'm going to show you. So right over here, you can see I've got a bunch of different sketches that I've pre-made here. And I've got this block of brass that I want to start cutting into. So to get started, what we need for any type of sweep feature is normally a profile and a path. So right up here under Sketch2 is this shape right here. And I can choose that one there. So I go ahead up to Swept Cut. Because I already preselected it, it shows up right there in the profile, which is good. My path, I'm going to go ahead and choose this outside edge if I wanted to. It's going to go all the way around the outside of my part. This would be very similar to something like a router bit if I want to router the outside shape there. Click OK, and there you have my nice routered edge. Okay, if…
