From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Surface tools

Surface tools

- SOLIDWORKS has a great set of tools for working with surfaces. Now, I'm not going to be covering everything in the surfacing package but I just want to give you a little teaser of some of the tools that are available. I actually have an entire course on SOLIDWORKS surfacing if you're interested. But for right now, let's go ahead and turn on the surfacing toolbar. It is right up here under the regular tabs. Right-click on any one of those and make sure you've got the Surfaces Toolbar turned on. And inside of there, you can see we've got a whole bunch of new tools. So, the first tool I want to look at is this Extruded Surface. So Extruded Surface, I'm going to go ahead and choose a sketch. So I'm going to choose the sketch right here. And notice that I can just click on this and drag it out, right? So it's a straight extrude, very similar to a regular extrude, but instead of actually creating a solid, we…
