From the course: Technical Product Management

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Are you solving a real problem?

Are you solving a real problem?

- Are you creative? Do you feel like you are coming up with many ideas every single day? I'm like that as well, and it's a fantastic trait to have. Don't lose it. I encourage you, however, to tame it. Meaning, whenever you come up with an idea, make sure it has a purpose. I was walking into a coffee shop the other day and found the entire process for ordering coffee and customizing my preferences super slow and inefficient, to the point that I was ready to leave and just use my espresso machine at home. I kept thinking how there should be a way for me to order and pay for my coffee seamlessly, the coffee I get every single day. And I mean there are apps that can do that such as the Starbucks app, but that's problematic as well, because in order for me to have a good coffee experience, I can only get Starbucks coffee. So wouldn't it be nice if my ordering preferences were saved as part of a more centralized system, such…
