Chase Damiano’s Post

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Operations & Leadership Consultant | Fractional COO | Entrepreneur | Speaker

Six places to look for creating success metrics for your start-up or services company: 🥅 Outcomes 💬 Feedback 💶 Financials 🏎 Performance 🧘♀️ Gut ⚙️ Process Let's dig in. 🥅 Outcomes What are the customer’s desired outcomes? Determine what the customer is trying to do. Make sure your product/service helps them do that. In practice: Headspace helps users meditate more. They should measure the session duration and session frequency per user—and build the app in a way that increases those metrics. Sara and Rajesh Nerlikar are pros at this with their Vision-Led Product Management Framework. 💬 Feedback Know how customers perceive your product/service. Measure customer satisfaction (CSAT), net promoter scores (NPS), and Likert scales to track feedback. In practice: Analyze your portfolio of customers for patterns. Do you notice: a dip in CSAT halfway through your delivery process? An Associate on your team that has raving reviews? A theme across all of your detractors? 💶 Financials Is there money in the bank? Financial foundations of your company: revenue growth, cash on hand, burn, and runway. One level deeper: AR, AP, and one of my favorites, revenue per employee. In practice: Look at changes in your AR month over month. Find ways to make it easier for your customers to pay. Even pay upfront. Follow Craig for insight on the growth metrics you should care most about. 🏎 Performance How effective and efficient is our operation? These will depend on your company, but here are places to look. Marketing—MQLs, conversions, attribution Sales—SQLs, close rate, ACV Success—CSAT, NPS, renewal rate, churn rate Support—response time, resolution time, ticket volume Engineering—stories per sprint, burndown Delivery—billability/utilization, capacity, quality Culture—employee happiness, employee retention, participation 🧘♀️ Gut What does our inner compass say? One oft-missed area is our felt-sense experience. We can have a growing company—yet be entirely miserable as founders. Was today energizing (green), neutral (yellow), or draining (red)? Measure and track. You can do this hour-by-hour too. In practice: If writing emails and scheduling meetings is consistently "red," find ways to delegate, automate, or eliminate this work. ⚙️ Process Are our standards met and complete? This is the world of completing a checklist, submitting feedback forms, getting approvals, and entering data. In practice: One way to measure the success of a sales manager: what percentage of our CRM records are complete? The core message: Not all of these are important for every company. But these are six areas to better understand what's working and what's not. What metrics did I miss? #measurewhatmatters #metrics #performance #startups

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