Daniel de Visé’s Post

Some armchair investors would like to see Donald Trump steering the economy. Others prefer Joe Biden. But if there’s one thing all investors eschew, it’s uncertainty. And nothing says uncertainty quite like the 2024 election. Betterment, the financial advisory company, recently surveyed 1,200 investors, asking what word best conveyed their feelings about the upcoming election. The most popular response: “Anxious.” Another survey, from the asset management firm Janus Henderson, found 78% of affluent investors voicing concern about the election. A third poll, from the Nationwide Retirement Institute, found 76% of investors on edge. Election anxiety weighs heavy on American investors. You want uncertainty? Many in the president’s own party are calling on him to exit the race. The other party’s presumptive nominee is running as a convicted felon. Featuring Liz Windisch, CFP®, Catherine Valega, Justin Samples CRPC™, AWMA℠ of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, & Laura Mattia, Ph.D., MBA, CFP®

Trump or Biden? Investors are anxious about the 2024 election. Here's how to prepare

Trump or Biden? Investors are anxious about the 2024 election. Here's how to prepare


Eileen Spiegler

Senior Web Communications Specialist at SCI Direct


Trump gave us a recession. Biden brought us out of it. Who, exactly, are these "armchair investors" apparently too clueless to come in out of the rain or, as the ivermectin crowd likes to say, do their own research? This kind of both-sides journalism educates no one. https://dangillmor.medium.com/at-its-moment-of-peril-democracy-needs-journalists-to-be-activists-8776aa9c99c3

The U. S. economy was operationally set by U. S. Constitutional mandate that could only be changed by Constitutional amendment, designed by the Framers to last unto perpetuity, not from President to President. Inflation can be ended forever by getting rid of the Fed and restoring the gold/silver standard. The Congress, the Legislative branch, controls federal finance through the exclusive power to coin and valuated money based on gold and silver, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4. DJT, if reelected, could restore the gold/silver standard and de-charter the Federal Reserve.

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