Ladies, how ambitious are you?

Ladies, how ambitious are you?

Do you think of yourself as ambitious?

If not, then I’m guessing you associate being ambitious with being egotistical and power-hungry. The last thing you want is to be labeled as “self-centered.”

But what about “self-loved”? What about being power-hungry for stepping into your own personal power? If you steer clear of ambition, then you steer clear of those things, too—those elements that coincidentally happen to be crucial to anyone’s career success and deeper fulfillment in life.

Sure, ambition is a slippery notion. It’s applauded in the successful people we admire, but demonized in the successful people we criticize. It boils down to the reason why you’re tapping into your ambition—if that purpose is rooted in love for yourself and for others, if your dreams evoke pride, if achieving your goals does not compromise the safety or happiness of others (and better yet: helps others!), then please hear this: embrace the voice of your ambition. Your voice will not only serve you, it will serve the world.

Many of us are conditioned to believe that having to ask for what we want is a reflection on our failure to get it for ourselves. We believe that getting what we want is an individual journey. But no one reaches for their dreams without grabbing a shoulder for support in the process. Goals cannot be achieved in a void. Every triumph worth winning is a result of human connection—and collaboration is a result of asking.

Plain and simple: if you don’t have the life you really want, then you’re not asking for what you really want in a way that works.

Most people think speaking up and asserting themselves, standing up for their value, is about being needy, selfish, and reflective of failure. It’s easier to be frustrated and give up on communication than to learn how to do it right—a classic pre-emptive defense mechanism.

Unfortunately, the dismissive pleasure is short-lived. While you say “speaking up for yourself” is “pushy” or “hard,” other people are getting ahead—ethically and rapidly and with minimal effort.

I call this “The Expedition,” because it truly is like a trip to a foreign land for most women. In fact, it’s the quickest and simplest way to leap ahead, make an impact, and avoid burn-out.

The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s far more powerful to spend some time going after what you really want, what makes your heart sing while evaluating your mindset and positioning, than it is to keep doing more of the same. In this case, “good things come to those who wait” is true—it’s far more effective to focus and craft an interesting, relevant request than to blindly throw your words into the wind and waste the opportunity of a good ask.

Irresistible Leaders design their conversations BEFORE they speak. They know how to position their voices, and make requests in a way that yields amazing results. This is how they can get free rent in New York City, double their salary or land a deal previously awarded to a competitor. Read that sentence again, please—it means that women are confidently standing up for themselves, recognizing their value, making their dreams come true and feeling good about it. In fact, their requests are designed to help the person receiving them!

Now, my Expedition to the 7 Lands of Asking covers how to achieve more with less effort and relax more—in other words have the life you really want without feeling needy, desperate, or presumptuous. I’ll spell it all out for you—including the specific words to use when proposing a joint venture with someone you admire or asking for more compensation. Today I want to show you how to get started. And I intend for this free material to rival any paid material on leadership, networking, and sales anywhere around the world.

Here’s where it all begins.

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I hope to "see" you there.


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