Personal Finance

May SSDI Payment Schedule: Who receives their disability benefits on the third Wednesday in May 2024?

The payment date depends on the day of birth of the beneficiaries.

SSA deposits SSDI payments on the last three Wednesdays of each month.
SSA deposits SSDI payments on the last three Wednesdays of each month.LAPRESSE

Social Security Disability Insurance is an invaluable source of income for more than nine million people. Month after month, beneficiaries monitor the Social Security Administration (SSA) payment schedule to know what date they will receive their deposit.

The SSA distributes SSDI payments on a staggered basis on the second, third, and fourth Wednesday of each month, depending on the beneficiaries' date of birth.

In this way, recipients born between the 1st and 10th of the month receive their payment on the second Wednesday. On the third Wednesday, the SSA deposits those born between the 11th and 20th, and those born between the 21st and 31st receive their deposit on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

Payment for the third Wednesday

According to the SSA payment schedule, this Wednesday, May 15, beneficiaries whose date of birth falls between the 11th and 20th of the month will receive their payment. On Wednesday the 22nd it will be the turn of those born between the 21st and the 31st to collect.

Beneficiaries who began receiving SSDI before May 1997 can expect their payment on the 1st of each month. Likewise, those on SSDI who receive Supplemental Security Income too can expect their SSDI payment on the first day of the month and their SSI payment on the 3rd.

It may happen that beneficiaries do not receive their payment on the established day. If so, the SSA recommends waiting three mailing days to contact their bank to verify that there is no problem on its end.

If all is well with the bank, recipients should go to the nearest Social Security office, or they can contact the SSA via phone or email.

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