Kansas City Chiefs

Randi Mahomes relieved to see what her son Jackson has become after suffering through his most difficult times

She has shared some personal details

Jackson Mahomes.
Jackson Mahomes.LAPRESSE

Randi Mahomes has shared her happiness at the development her son Jackson Mahomes has made in recent months after some very serious brushes with the law.

Whilst Randi certainly doesn't have to worry about what Patrick is getting up to, given he is a multi-Super Bowl winning quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs, she has had to worry about Jackson in recent years.

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Jackson's legal woes

The 23-year-old Jackson made a virtual court appearance in March for his sentencing proceedings, as delineated in online court records, where he pleaded guilty to a solitary misdemeanor charge of assault.

Following the pronouncement of his sentence, Jackson Mahomes was handed over to the custody of the Johnson County Sheriff's Office, entrusted with the task of assessing his eligibility for work release.

The legal saga unfurled over a span of more than two months, during which prosecutors opted to drop three felony charges of aggravated sexual assault.

These allegations stemmed from accusations that Jackson Mahomes forcibly grasped a woman by the neck and forcibly kissed her within the confines of an Overland Park, Kansas, eatery in February 2023. Mahomes received a sentence of six months' probation in connection with the alleged assault on a woman.

Randi Mahomes has since been on 'The Mom Game' podcast and talked about how tough her son has had it recently.

"Jackson's been through the wringer, unfortunately. But the truth finally came out," she said.

"I look at some of my friends either on social media or in different things, and I'm jealous that they have this normal life. Their kids are the same age as Patrick and Jackson, and they have this normal situation, and we don't. It's super difficult."

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