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Sporty Weather


Resource developed by Martin Sutton, Maiden Erlegh School, Reading

This resource can be adapted for a current sporting event. 

ALL will be able to describe the best weather needed to play three sports.

MOST will be able to use websites to collect weather data to make decisions about playing sports.

SOME will be able to predict which venues will have the warmest temperatures and suggest reasons for this.

The London Olympic Games started on 27 July 2012 and run until 12 August 2012.

You are a weather forecaster and work for the Met Office – an organisation
that measures and predicts the weather.

Your job today is to tell the Olympic Games bosses about the weather
conditions at some of the events around the UK. 

First of all have a think about the weather and the Olympics. What types of weather are good for certain events?
Remember to mention temperature, wind and rainfall. You should try to say why.

sporty weather recording table

The Olympic Committee bosses would like to know whether conditions will be perfect for the events that are happening today.

They have sent you the email below to complete.


To help you, go to http://wow.metoffice.gov.uk/ and type in the postcodes from the table. This will give you information from weather stations.

You may need to zoom out a couple of times to find a weather station. Click on the nearest weather symbol to get more information – and also use the “layers” drop down menu. 

Would you consider delaying or calling any of the events off due to the weather?

If so, why?

Well done! The Olympic bosses are really pleased with your help so far!

They would now like you to make a PowerPoint presentation for the competitors.

• You must mention what the current conditions are like for ONE of the events happening today in the table above.

• You should also try to give them a forecast for today and tomorrow.

Think carefully about their sport and the sorts of weather information that they will need to know about.

Remember! – if you are calling the event off, they will be angry and disappointed– and so you will need to explain very carefully why you have made that decision!

Use the http://wow.metoffice.gov.uk/ website to help you and also
https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather and any others you can find.

The athletes are waiting.

Extension work:

When you have had your PowerPoint checked by your teacher, have a look at the question below.

You are going to have a go at forecasting which of these six football grounds will be the warmest at the moment.

Think carefully about where they are in the UK. Perhaps check a map.

Where in the UK would you expect to be warmest? Coolest? Try to think why.

football stadia weather

Now look at the WOW website and see where is actually hottest and coolest.

Is there a pattern to your results?

If so, why?

What surprised you? Try and use as much geography as you can!

Where do you think that you reached in today’s

ALL will be able to describe the best weather needed to play three

MOST will be able to use websites to collect weather data to make
decisions about playing sports.

SOME will be able to predict which venues will have the warmest
temperatures and suggest reasons for this.

I think that I completed ALL / MOST / SOME

I know this because…….

Start exploring

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