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Shifting minds, shifting futures.

Envisioning a bold tomorrow and growing talent for a diverse workforce.

Building an equitable workforce that

We’re a workforce design studio powering learning and growth. We develop inclusive learning content and experiences that propel your people and teams — and the game-changing innovations they create.


Growing talent today to power your tomorrow.

At Next Shift Learning, we design and operate world-class learning experiences. Together, we harness untapped potential, and create a bold and equitable future.

Tap into new rockstar talent

We bridge the gap between employers and under-represented talent with boundless potential. We create learning experiences that prepare candidates for Day One readiness.

Upskill your workforce

Your workforce is as limitless as your future. 
We create interactive learning experiences that promote internal mobility, enabling employees to acquire skills with ease.

Drive product adoption

We help you grow product adoption and stickiness with our interactive product education curriculum. We use "the art of learning science" to make learning unforgettable.


We work with teams building an inclusive and innovative future through knowledge sharing and
skill building.

Featured Posts

How Lived Experiences Shape the Mission at Next Shift Learning

Sometimes our best skills — such as problem-solving and communication, are hidden in plain sight — strengthened through life experiences or unexpected challenges.

Snap Academies: Accelerating Skills-Based Career Readiness for Underrepresented Talent in Tech

Partnering with Snap Inc. to connect with the undeniable talent of diverse and untapped tech candidates through upskilling, mentorship, and professional development.
Snap AR Lens development learning examples

Snap AR Learning: Building Augmented Reality Curriculum to Accelerate the Future

Partnering with Snap Inc. to empower and grow its global network of Augmented Reality innovators and creators through inclusive learning and experiences.