Nomis is a service provided by Office for National Statistics (ONS), the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics. On this website, we publish statistics related to population, society and the labour market at national, regional and local levels. These include data from current and previous censuses.

Labour Market Profiles

View a labour market profile of an area. Includes some of the data from our key datasets on population, employment, unemployment, qualifications, earnings, benefit claimants and businesses.

Local Area Report

View a report for a local area such as a parish, ward, village or town. Includes information on the characteristics of people and households in the area.

Data Downloads

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Census Statistics

Release calendar

 Next updateStatusHow long?
Annual Population Survey18/07/2024 07:00Confirmed2 weeks
Claimant Count18/07/2024 07:00Confirmed2 weeks
Job Seekers Allowance Counts18/07/2024 07:00Confirmed2 weeks
Job Seekers Allowance Flows18/07/2024 07:00Confirmed2 weeks
Population estimates - local authority basedJuly 2024Provisional4 weeks
UK small area gross value added estimatesLate summer 2024Provisional4 weeks
Workforce jobs10/09/2024 07:00Confirmed2 months
Annual Population Survey Household27/09/2024 09:30Confirmed2 months
UK Business CountsAutumn 2024Provisional2 months
Business Register and Employment Survey17/10/2024 09:30Confirmed3 months
MortalityAutumn 2024Provisional3 months
Gross disposable household income (GDHI)Oct 2024Provisional3 months
Annual Survey of Hours and EarningsNov 2024Provisional4 months
Jobs densityEarly 2025Confirmed6 months
Population projections - local authority basedFeb to Mar 2025Provisional8 months
MarriagesTo Be Announced
DivorcesTo Be Announced
BirthsTo Be Announced
Population estimates - small area basedTo Be Announced
Labour Force Survey - headline indicatorsTo Be Announced
National Population projectionsTo Be Announced
Energy efficiency of housingTo Be Announced

Other Official Statistics