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Driver Test

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 June 2024

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Questions (23)

Holly Cairns


23. Deputy Holly Cairns asked the Minister for Transport if he will consider a fee waiver of the driver theory test for those on the disability allowance (details supplied) [27441/24]

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In line with its obligations under the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies, my Department has commissioned an independent external review of the Road Safety Authority (RSA). Within its terms of reference, among other things, the Review will make recommendations about the appropriate future funding model for the RSA, including the fee-setting process. Pending the recommendations of this review, there are currently no proposals in relation to fee changes under discussion between my officials and the RSA. I intend to bring an update on the Review to Government for information before the summer recess.

In relation to the driver theory test more generally, including special accommodations, the RSA has statutory responsibility for the Driver Testing Service under the Road Safety Authority Act 2006. As such, I have referred the Deputy's question to the RSA for further direct reply. I would ask the Deputy to contact my office if a response has not been received within ten days.
