Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar


Foilseacháin: 10,000

Leathanach 87 de 500

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ247 30/01/24
Employment permits granted

PQ247 30/01/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

An Coiste um Ghnóthaí Eacht...

Opening statement, Bernie Maguire, Assistant Secretary with responsibility for Defence and Security Policy and Legislation, Department of Defence
Statement by Bernie Maguire on Pre legislative scrutiny of the Defence (Amendment) Bill 2023

Opening statement, Bernie Maguire, Assistant Secretary with responsibility for Defence and Security Policy and Legislation, Department of Defence ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ206,207,208 30/01/2024
Table1 Regional Airport Support

PQ206,207,208 30/01/2024 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Minutes of meeting of 18 January 2024
Minutes of meeting of 18 January 2024

Minutes of meeting of 18 January 2024 ()

Clibeanna: Miontuairiscí agus Cláir

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

An Coiste um Bás Cuidithe...

Opening Statement, Prof. Ben White, Professor End-of-Life Law and Regulation, Australian Centre for Health Law Research
Statement by Prof. Ben White on Examining a system for assisted dying and alternative policies

Opening Statement, Prof. Ben White, Professor End-of-Life Law and Regulation, Australian Centre for Health Law Research ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

An Coiste um Bás Cuidithe...

Opening statement, Prof. Merete Nordentoft, Professor in Psychiatry, Copenhagen University
Statement by Prof. Merete Nordentoft on Examining a system for assisted dying and alternative policies

Opening statement, Prof. Merete Nordentoft, Professor in Psychiatry, Copenhagen University ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

An Coiste um Bás Cuidithe...

Opening statement, Prof. Roderick MacLeod, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, General Practice and Primary Healthcare, New Zealand, University of Auckland
Statement by Prof. Roderick MacLeod on Examining a system for assisted dying and alternative policies

Opening statement, Prof. Roderick MacLeod, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, General Practice and Primary Healthcare, New Zealand, University of Auckland ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

An Coiste um Bás Cuidithe...

Opening statement, Prof. Nancy Preston, Professor of Supportive and Palliative Care, University of Lancaster
Statement by Prof. Nancy Preston on Examining a system for assisted dying and alternative policies

Opening statement, Prof. Nancy Preston, Professor of Supportive and Palliative Care, University of Lancaster ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ91 30/01/24
List of CRF projects with claims to date

PQ91 30/01/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ75 30/01/24
Additional detail

PQ75 30/01/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ509 30/01/24
Services provided

PQ509 30/01/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ69 30/01/24
Projects funded since 2022

PQ69 30/01/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ594 30/01/2024
Local Authority Area

PQ594 30/01/2024 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

An Coiste um an gComhshaol ag...

Opening statement, Mark Foley, Chief Executive, Eirgrid
Statement by Mark Foley on General Oversight

Opening statement, Mark Foley, Chief Executive, Eirgrid ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

An Coiste um Nithe a bhainean...

Submission, Access Earth
Submission by Access Earth on accessibility

Submission, Access Earth ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

An Coiste Gnó...

Order of Business 30 January - 1 February 2024
Arrangements for business for Tuesday to Thursday, 30 January - 1 February 2024

Order of Business 30 January - 1 February 2024 ()

Clibeanna: Páipéir Ghnó; Ord Gnó

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Seanad Éireann

Seanad Order Paper (Tue)

Seanad Order Paper (Tue) ()

Clibeanna: Páipéir Ghnó; Riar na hOibre

Foilsithe ar 30 Ean 2024

Dáil Éireann

Dáil Question Paper (Tue)

Dáil Question Paper (Tue) ()

Clibeanna: Páipéir Ghnó; Riar na hOibre

Foilsithe ar 26 Ean 2024

An Coiste Gnó...

Report of the Business Committee for 30 January - 1 February 2024
Arrangement for business and business schedule for Tuesday to Thursday, 30 January - 1 February 2024

Report of the Business Committee for 30 January - 1 February 2024 ()

Clibeanna: Tuarascálacha

Foilsithe ar 25 Ean 2024

An Coiste um Achainíocha ón...

Opening statement, Brendan Quinn, Western Rail Trail
Statement by Brendan Quinn on Public Petition Number P00030/23 “Create a walking and cycling greenway on the closed railway from Sligo to Athenry” from Western Rail Trail

Opening statement, Brendan Quinn, Western Rail Trail ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí
