Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar


Foilseacháin: 10,000

Leathanach 89 de 500

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

An tSeirbhís Leabharlainne agus Taighde

Bill Digest: Social Welfare (Liable Relatives and Child Maintenance) Bill 2023
The Social Welfare (Liable Relatives and Child Maintenance) Bill 2023 seeks to give legislative effect to two changes to the Social Welfare system:
(a) changes to social welfare means tests so that child maintenance payments will no longer be assessed as means, and (b) the discontinuation of the Liable Relative Provisions [Keywords: Social protection, People and communities]
*Please note that this Bill was subsequently renamed the Social Welfare and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023.

Bill Digest: Social Welfare (Liable Relatives and Child Maintenance) Bill 2023 ()

Clibeanna: Taighde/Spotsolais

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ186 8/02/24
Implementation table

PQ186 8/02/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

An Oifig Buiséid Pharlaiminteach

Existing Level of Service (ELS) Explained
PBO Publication 6 of 2024 [Keywords: Spending, Scrutiny of Estimate]

Existing Level of Service (ELS) Explained ()

Clibeanna: Bileoga treorach

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

An Coiste um Thurasóireacht,...

Opening statement, Catherine Martin T.D., Minister, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
Statement by Minister Catherine Martin on 2024 Revised Estimates for Public Services - Vote 33 (Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media) - Programme Areas A, B, D and E

Opening statement, Catherine Martin T.D., Minister, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

An Coiste um Thurasóireacht,...

Opening statement, Thomas Byrne T.D., Minister of State for Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and at the Department of Education
Statement by Minister Thomas Byrne on 2024 Revised Estimates for Public Services - Vote 33 (Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media) - Programme Areas A, B, D and E

Opening statement, Thomas Byrne T.D., Minister of State for Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and at the Department of Education ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

An tSeirbhís Leabharlainne agus Taighde

Bill Digest: Research and Innovation Bill 2024
The Research and Innovation Bill 2024 provides for the establishment of a new Statutory Agency, Taighde Éireann (Research Ireland), which effectively merges the functions of Science Foundation Ireland and the Irish Research Council into one body. In doing so, and in view of Impact 2030 (Ireland’s Research and Innovation Strategy), the Bill seeks, through the establishment of Taighde Éireann, to provide for the funding of research and innovation across fields of activity and disciplines. This L&RS Bill Digest provides an overview of the policy and legislative framework for the Bill, as well as some of the key policy debates relevant to the Bill. [Keywords: Higher education, Research, Innovation]

Bill Digest: Research and Innovation Bill 2024 ()

Clibeanna: Taighde/Spotsolais

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

Pq 100 8/2/24

Pq 100 8/2/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ5805/24 08/02/2024

PQ5805/24 08/02/2024 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ130 08/02

PQ130 08/02 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Coiste na Gaeilge, na Gaeltac...

Ráiteas tosaigh, Patrick O’Donovan, TD, An tAire Stáit don Ghaeltacht An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán
Ráiteas ón Aire Stáit Patrick O’Donovan ar na Meastacháin Athbhreithnithe do Sheirbhísí Poiblí 2024 ar Chlár C 'Gaeltacht' de Vóta 33 na Roinne Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán

Ráiteas tosaigh, Patrick O’Donovan, TD, An tAire Stáit don Ghaeltacht An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán ()

Clibeanna: Ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Correspondence, Ciarán Breen, Director, State Claims Agency, R2094 PAC33
Information requested arising from the meeting on 2nd March 2023

Correspondence, Ciarán Breen, Director, State Claims Agency, R2094 PAC33 ()

Clibeanna: Comhfhreagras

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Minutes of PAC Meeting 14.12.2024
Minutes of PAC Meeting 14.12.2024

Minutes of PAC Meeting 14.12.2024 ()

Clibeanna: Miontuairiscí agus Cláir

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Correspondence, Kevin Bakhurst, Director General, RTE, R2224 PAC33
Correspondence received from Kevin Bakhurst, Director General, RTE, dated 10/11/2023

Correspondence, Kevin Bakhurst, Director General, RTE, R2224 PAC33 ()

Clibeanna: Comhfhreagras

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Dáil Éireann

Dáil Question Paper (Thur)

Dáil Question Paper (Thur) ()

Clibeanna: Páipéir Ghnó; Riar na hOibre

Foilsithe ar 8 Feabh 2024

Seanad Éireann

Seanad Order Paper (Thur)

Seanad Order Paper (Thur) ()

Clibeanna: Páipéir Ghnó; Riar na hOibre

Foilsithe ar 7 Feabh 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

Pq 122 D 7/2/24
Budget 2024

Pq 122 D 7/2/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 7 Feabh 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

Pq 122 C 7/2/24
Budget 2023

Pq 122 C 7/2/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 7 Feabh 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

Pq B 122 7/2/22
REV 24

Pq B 122 7/2/22 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 7 Feabh 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

PQ285 07/02/20244
2023 expenditure

PQ285 07/02/20244 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte

Foilsithe ar 7 Feabh 2024

Oifig na nDíospóireachtaí

Pq 122 7/2/24
REV 23

Pq 122 7/2/24 ()

Clibeanna: Ag tacú le Ceist Pharlaiminte
