Henry kissinger

Explore the life and achievements of Henry Kissinger, a visionary diplomat and statesman who shaped international relations. Discover how his policies and strategies continue to influence global politics today.
1973 Le Duc Tho: 1911-1990: Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Le Duc Tho had had long experience of fighting against great powers when he negotiated with Henry Kissinger for an armistice in Vietnam between 1969 and 1973. When Hanoi was bombed at Christmas time on Kissinger's orders, Le Duc Tho agreed to an armistice. But when he received the Peace Prize together with Kissinger in the autumn of 1973, he refused to accept it on the grounds that his opposite number had violated the truce. Nobel Prize Winners, Hanoi, Nobel Peace Prize, Alfred Nobel, Henry Kissinger, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Nobel Prize, The Peace

1973 Le Duc Tho: 1911-1990: Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Le Duc Tho had had long experience of fighting against great powers when he negotiated with Henry Kissinger for an armistice in Vietnam between 1969 and 1973. When Hanoi was bombed at Christmas time on Kissinger's orders, Le Duc Tho agreed to an armistice. But when he received the Peace Prize together with Kissinger in the autumn of 1973, he refused to accept it on the grounds that his opposite number had violated the truce.


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