Smithsonian staff pose for picture as the sunburst.

Office of Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) leads and supports the Smithsonian’s museums, research, and education centers in hiring, developing, and retaining a talented, dedicated, and diverse workforce. OHR plays an essential role in enabling the Smithsonian’s mission to increase and diffuse knowledge as we provide organizational support services and expertise, conduct efficient and transparent processes and encourage, recognize, and reward best practices and excellence.

Today's Smithsonian extends two traditions that have defined the Institution throughout its history: a tradition of public engagement, public service and public outreach, and a tradition of scientific and scholarly research and innovation. As the Smithsonian seeks to expand its connections with the American people, it continues to build and challenge a workforce with an amazing diversity of skills. The Smithsonian’s mission is to provide the tens of millions of people who visit its museums, participate in public programs, read its magazines, or engage it through the internet with an experience they will remember for a lifetime. You can help create the memories.

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